Dottie's Weight Loss Zone - Sound Advice Or Just Another Fad?

Dottie's Weight Loss Zone - Sound Advice Or Just Another Fad?

Is Dottie's weight loss zone the real deal? Do her methods really work? If you've been looking for weight loss methods for any length of time, you know there is a lot of bogus information out there.

In my opinion, there is too much info out there, period. Most people get information overload, don't know how to start losing weight, and just end up quitting before they ever get started. Does Dottis Weight Loss Zone actually work or is it just another "fad" method destined to fail?

Drink More Water

There are good and bad things about her advice, in my opinion. One of the good things is that she recommends drinking a large amount of water, and just about ever weight loss guru agrees with this advice. The more you drink, the less hungry you will feel.

Additionally, it does a lot more than help you lose weight. It cleanses out your system and helps you to feel more energized.

You need to be drinking a lot of water just to survive, let along thrive, and the fact is, most people don't drink nearly enough. Most people simply drink enough to just get by and no more.

In truth, if you are thirsty, that signals you are already way past the point of needing a drink, because if you drink enough, you should never get to the point of thirst.

Get rid of junk food

Another thing Dottie's weight loss zone recommends are to keep unhealthy foods out of the house at all times, and I definitely concur with that.

If you have junk food lying around, no matter how much you tell yourself you aren't going to eat it, at some point you will. Rather than trying to overcome the temptation with willpower, just remove the source altogether.

Plan your meals

Another good point Dottie's weight loss zone makes is to plan your meals ahead of time and always make sure you have them with you when going out, because otherwise, it's all too easy to succumb to the temptation of getting fast food. If you have your food with you, this won't be an issue.

Tips when eating out

When eating out, she recommends to always inquire if you can get 50% of the meal in order to prevent overeating. This is certainly good advice when eating out, but if they don't do this, as some locations will not, make sure to consume half of it and then get the person serving you to take it away immediately.

This helps reduce the temptation of overeating. Ideally you should avoid eating out as much as possible, but if you do, this particular Dottie's weight loss zone advice is sound.
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